Our Spring production

We have decided on “Cash on Delivery” by Michael Cooney as our next production. We will be performing it at The Arc theatre at Wiltshire College, Trowbridge from Wednesday 26th to Saturday 29th April 2017. We are pleased to welcome Jamie Wright and Tirion Cowell  from Trowbridge College and The Arc as directors. They are keen to get involved with working with Trowbridge Players.

We’ve had a few readings of the play at the Tesco Community Space, and I think the general view is that it is very funny, with some good lines and some very ridiculous situations. It was written in the 1990s, and we’ll probably set it then — but that decision is obviously up to the directors.

We will be holding auditions for the parts (6 men and 5 women, ages mostly indeterminate) at The Arc from 19:30 on Friday 17th February and Monday 20th February 2017. We look forward to seeing lots of people there, and lots of people getting involved in putting on the production!

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