Unfortunately, we have had to cancel our Panto again for 2022. There were several issues for this. Uncertainty about Covid was one. The ARC also doubled their prices and withdrew all support, so we would have no bar, ushers or changing area. We had 3 council qualified chaperones in 2019 but the licences expired during lockdown. We have to have one chaperone per 6 under 16s, which meant no children would be allowed to perform. The council have now allowed chaperones to renew and restarted courses to allow new ones to qualify.
In the meanwhile, the ARC have cancelled all bookings for outside groups due to their technician leaving, which means we would have no-where to perform anyway.
We are looking for alternative venues for the Spring production but the Panto has been shelved until January 2023.
I am sorry to disappoint everyone but a lot of this is beyond our control. We are now an amateur theatre group who has not performed a full show for nearly 2 years. Now, without a home theatre available to us, we are looking for a suitable venue for our next show. We hope to be back on stage soon.
In the meanwhile we are currently meeting each Monday at The Tin Church in Horse Road, Trowbridge where we are reading various plays over coffee and biscuits. I hope to see as many of you as can attend.
Tim Knott – Chairman