When We Are Married – 1969

When We Are Married by J.B. Priestly

Thursday 27th to Saturday 29th September 1969

St Augustine’s Hall, Trowbridge

Set in turn-of-the-century Yorkshire, the story concerns three middle-aged married couples, who tend to look askance towards anyone who does not come up to their high moral and religious standards. These pecksniffs are especially critical towards those who advocate a break from the repressive sexual taboos of the era. Imagine their dismay, then, when all three couples discover that they’re not legally married. Their efforts to hide this fact, and their eventual comeuppance, provides several hearty laughs.

Rex Holdsworth


Ruby Birtle

Gerald Forbes

Mrs. Northup

Nancy Holmes

Fred Dyson

Henry Ormondroyd

Alderman Joseph Helliwell

Maria Helliwell

Councillor Albert Parker

Herbert Soppitt

Clara Soppitt

Annie Parker

Lottie Grady

Rev. Clement Mercer

Mary Pickett

Geoffrey Bailey

Margaret Clayton

Lynne Thornton

Tony Pegg

Rex Holdsworth

Alan Hartshorn

Betty Francis

David Allan

Selwyn Swift

Ruby Goldsmith

Sheila Thompson

Norma Allen

Harold Scriven

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