This Happy Breed

This Happy Breed by Noel Coward

Thursday 9th to Saturday 11th April 1970

St Augustine’s Hall, Trowbridge

At the end of the First World War, the Gibbons family move in to their London home. Frank Gibbons has just returned after four years of service. With his wife, Ethel, and their three children, they move from the house they have been sharing with his mother-in-law into 17 Sycamore Road, Clapham. Grandma Flint and Aunt Syl accompany them. While Ethel manages the household and Frank tends his garden, they tolerate the scolding Grandma Flint and the yearnings for marriage and motherhood of the maiden Aunt Syl as the children grow up.

Rex Holdsworth


Frank Gibbons

Ethel (his wife)

Sylvia (his sister)

Mrs. Flint (Frank’s Mother-in-Law)

Bob Mitchell

Reg (Frank’s Child)

Queenie (Frank’s Child)

Vi (Frank’s Child)

Sam Leadbitter

Phyllis Blake

Edie (a maid)


Alan Hartshorn

Sheila Thompson

Betty Hilser

Sheila Bentley

Tom Ludlow

Tony Pegg

Sheila Hansford

Patricia May

Peter Sedgewick

Shirley Haydon

Stella Jeffries

Selwyn Swift

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