Caught in the Net – 2005

Caught in the Net by Ray Cooney

Wednesday 28th September to Saturday 1st October 2005

Arc Theatre, Trowbridge

A sequel to Run for Your Wife. Gavin Smith, son of John and Barbara Smith, ends up meeting Vicki Smith, daughter of John and Mary Smith, online. They fall in love, and they discover that their fathers have the same name. They decide that they have to meet, and their dad, John finds out. He enlists the aid of his pal, the not-so-bright Stanley Gardner, who brings along his father. The result is confusion, lying, and all sorts of craziness.

Mark Rhodes


John Smith

Gavin Smith

Vicki Smith

Barbara Smith

Mary Smith

Stanley Gardner

Mr. Gardner

Mark Rhodes

Nick Havergal

Naomi Havergal

Angela Giddings

Nadine Comba

Maxson Bailey

Tony Giddings

Gavin (Nick Havergal) argues with mum Mary (Nadine Comba) while Barbara (Angela Giddings) listens to daughter Vicki (Naomi Havergal)
John Smith listens to listens to daughter Vicki (Naomi Havergal) as Mum, Barbara (Angela Giddings) looks on
Gavin (Nick Havergal), Mr Gardner (Tony Giddings) and his son, Stanley (Maxson Bailey)
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