Humble Boy

Poster by Tim Knott

Humble Boy by Charlotte Jones

Wednesday 27th to Saturday 30th September 2006

“You know, Felix, bumblebees shouldn’t be able to fly… They don’t obey the laws of physics. But they fly anyway.”

All is not well in the Humble Hive. Thirty-five year old Felix Humble is a Cambridge astrophysicist in search of a unified field theory. Following the sudden death of his father, Felix returns to his middle England home and his difficult and demanding mother, where he soon realises that his search for unity must include his own chaotic home life.

Maxson Bailey and Angela Giddings as Felix and Flora Humble

Nadine Comba


Felix Humble

Mercy Lott

Flora Humble


George Pye

Rosie Pye

Maxson Bailey

Sandie Brooks

Angela Giddings

Clive Greaves

Mark Rhodes

Emma Holmes

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