Honeymoon Suite

Honeymoon Suite by Tony Layton

Wednesday 12th to Saturday 15th October 2016

Arc Theatre, Trowbridge

Poster by Tim Knott


The evening consists of two short plays both taking place in the same hotel room with different couples.

‘Something Old, Something New’
Ageing and fading pop star Jet Rush checks in to the Bridal Suite with Pat, his new wife. She may be a new wife, but she’s been his PA for over fifteen years, organising his life, touring with him and extricating him from the numerous problems caused by the excesses of his rock ‘n roll lifestyle.

‘Something Blue’
Paula is a married lady in her mid-40’s with grown-up children who works part-time in a large corporate office. Enrico is her manager and he has persuaded her to go away with him for a dirty weekend.

Something Old, Something New – Francis (Tony Giddings), Pat (Maria Giuliani) and Jet Rush (Chris Pollock)
Something Blue – Francis (Tony Giddings), Enrico (Ryan Davis) and Paula (Jenny Riddle)

Carline Fielding

Something Old, Something New Cast

Jet Rush


Francis, the hotel porter

Chris Pollock

Maria Giuliani

Tony Giddings

Something Blue Cast



Francis, the hotel porter

Jenny Riddle

Ryan Davis

Tony Giddings

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